Student Nurses' Association of India (SNAI)

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Student Nurses' Association of India

Under the Umbrella of TNAI


List of State SNA Advisors

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Affairs of SNA are managed at the Unit, State and at National level.

At the unit level, the unit executive committee manages SNA affairs. It comprises of President (Principal of the institution - TNAI member), SNA Advisor (any elected faculty - TNAI member),Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the conveners of various committees are student nurses elected by the students during their SNA General Body meeting.

At the State level, the State SNA Executive Committee comprises of the State TNAI President as ex-officio member, SNA Advisor, Student Vice President, student Secretary elected by all unit Vice president and Secretary of their state during state SNA conference/ Meeting

At the National level, the SNA General Committee Comprises of TNAI National President, Honorary Treasurer, Secretary-General, Dy. Secretary General-cum-SNA Advisor and state SNA Advisors of all states and Student SNA Vice Presidents and Student SNA Secretaries of all states.

Contact Us

The Trained Nurses Association of India

L-17, Florence Nightingale Lane Green Park Main, New Delhi-110016

Phone : 01140195409 / 8587825407

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